Thursday, February 13, 2014

How to: Make Heart Shaped Deviled Eggs

I did make more than 2! I had to make them 2 at a time because I only had enough of the heart making supplies to make 2 at a time and they won't wait!
I did a little investigating and it turns out that shaping boiled eggs is a whole art form of it's own and it is popular in Japan.  They even have little egg molds to make animal shapes!

So step one - boil your eggs.  I like 12-13 minute eggs.  Actually if we are just eating boiled eggs, I like a soft boiled egg, but that won't work here!

Step two - not pictured! - after removing egg from the water, immediately peel the egg - I ran some water over the egg while I peeled, that helped, but don't chill the eggs first, they need to be very hot when you put them in the form.

I made my form by cutting the corners off of an orange juice container.  (Step three:)Wash and dry the corners and place a hot, peeled egg in the middle.  Balance a chop stick over the egg and secure in place with two rubber bands (rubber bands don't seem to last long in our house, so I used pony tail holders, it worked).  The shape of your chop stick will make a difference.  Mine was square and I turned the chopstick so the corner of the square pressed into the egg.  Don't press too hard or the white will crack.
Step four: wait for the egg to set.  I put them in the fridge and tried not to forget about them.  One tutorial I saw said 10 minutes, another said 30.  I was somewhere in there. 

Step five - cut in half and be amazed and all the eggy love!
You can leave them like this or take out the yolk and make deviled eggs - I thought they needed paprika for Valentine's Day.
I just couldn't stop with the eggs - behold - heart shaped tomatoes and pickles and cheese.
Happy Valentine's Day!

1 comment:

thewrighthouse said...

I'm going to try this! We usually do a boiled egg/meat/cheese/veggie tray as our New Year's Eve tradition. Might as well welcome the new year with hearts, right?