Thursday, September 25, 2014

Banana Split Breakfast

Annalise asked me to take this picture so I could "put it on Facebook".  I told her I thought it was better suited for my neglected cooking blog!

Build a banana split for breakfast by splitting a banana, topping it with frozen vanilla yogurt, and drizzling it with pureed berries.  Add a cherry for fun, or chopped almonds because I love almonds.

The frozen yogurt is not the ice cream kind - I froze a large container of yogurt, which wasn't the best plan.  It was as hard as a rock!  We chipped off enough for our banana splits, but it even sat in the fridge all day and did not thaw much.  A better plan is to partially freeze a container of yogurt, how long, I'm not sure.  The presentation was not what I wanted, but it tasted great and the kids all loved it.