Wednesday, August 22, 2007

August 22 - September 4, 2007

22 W – Spaghetti, Salad, Garlic Bread
23 R - Teriyaki Chicken Breast, Broccoli, Rice
24 F - Grilled Pork Chops, Mac & Cheese, Broccoli
25 S - Rob’s Random Choice
26 U – Hot Wings, Sweet Potato Fries
27 M - Sirloin Stir Fry, Rice
28 T - Baked Chicken Breast Supreme, Sweet Potato, Broccoli
29 W - Spaghetti, Salad, Garlic Bread
30 R – Meatloaf, Salad, Biscuits
31 F – Curried Chicken Pot Pie, Salad
1 S – Chili, Corn Bread
2 U – Chili dogs, Green Peas, Carrots
3 M – Grilled Stuffed Pork Chops, Sweet Potato,
4 T -Hearty Chicken and Beans, Rice, Salad

For the record, grilled pork chops stuffed with cornbread stuffing is just about my favorite way to eat pork. I usually do not follow a recipe, I just put whatever sounds yummy (diced bell pepper, craisins, whatever), add enough chicken stock to make it perfectly moist and stuff the chops. This link does not describe the way Alton Brown demostrated how to make the stuffing pockets on Good Eats. Basically, using a boning knife, you make a small slit (1 - 1 1/2 inch) in the middle of the chop (Must be a bone in chop) and slowly sweep the tip up until you are near the edge (without cutting through), reverse the knife and repeat on the bottom - the result is a nice big pocket with a tiny little hole. You can insert the stuffing by putting it into a plastic icing tool and squirting it through the hole (Brown uses a turkey baster witht he tip cut off). I highly recommend brining the chops in advance as the link describes.

On the 23rd I plan to make this whole meal in a foil packet, you can read more about making foil packets here - scroll down to November 6.


Unknown said...

what's the curried chicken pot pie like?

Mean Puppies Inc. said...

Well, it's like chicken pot pie with curry in it :) tastewise anyway, but it's really healthier than regular chicken pot pie because you make your own "sauce" rather than using canned soup. Of course there's the whole puff pastry top...I guess you could use some other type of biscuit or crust, but the puff pastry is really yummy! I cut it with a star cookie cutter and told Caleb we were having stars for dinner - he loves stars so he wolfed it down!