Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Notes on the Extended Meal Plan - Sunday

U - Meatloaf, Mashed Potatoes

I started abreviated Sunday as "U" in college because that's how our "Racing Forms" (class registration books) did it. Our meatloaf is probably more accurately called a "Meaty-loaf" because a good bit of it is shredded or minced vegetables. Although, it's never the same twice, I base my method loosly on Alton Brown's recipe - the main thing being the glaze. I made four loaves using only 2lbs of meat. They are kind of small, but work for now. Each gets double wrapped - plastic and freezer paper - raw and after being thawed will be cooked 10 minutes before applying the glaze. Let me just say, if you don't glaze your meatloaf, you are missing out :)

For mashed potatoes, I pick two large potatoes (about 1lb each) - one red and one russet - peeled, cubed and steamed 20 minutes, then whipped with butter, milk and salt and sometimes other things (like sour cream or parmesan cheese).

Great homey meal for Sunday night because I generally like to take a mother's version of a Sabbath rest - that is no laundry or floor cleaning unless pee is involved.

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