Thursday, September 30, 2010

Notes on the Extended Meal Plan - Monday/Tuesday

M - Mojo Chicken, Black Beans, Rice, Yellow Sauce
T - Pork Chops (or Pork Loin Roast), Broccoli, Steamed Carrot coins

I have detailed the whole "Homemade Pollo Tropical" meal in other posts - it is easy, but not quick. Making beans is not fast, but it is not extremely involved and doesn't require any work for the last hour and a half.

Our pork meal is the one bit of spontaneity in our week - there is just so much you can do with "the other white meat". I bought the biggest whole loin I could find and par-froze it - freezing until firm, but not solid. Then I was able to slice off chops and leave the last chunk whole to roast - seems fancier that way, somehow...

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